artificial academy character maker english translation

[illusion] Artificial Academy - FAQ & Discussion - Page 21.
Game: Artificial Academy; Company: Illusion; Release date: 10.06.11; Artificial. Translation and uncensor:. [Official] [English] [Full] Launcher by TheShadow : Here. The hair is visible on the maker, game and eroge mode.
[Official] Artificial Academy HF-Patch by Inquisitor : Here. [English] [Full] interface translation by Pariah23 : Here ... Those directions don't say it, but the very first thing you'll want to do is install the character maker; go to open.
Aug 25, 2012. which includes english translated interface and dialogue. Character Creation ( Artificial Academy Maker): If you followed the step by step.
artificial academy character maker english translation
[illusion] Artificial Academy - FAQ & Discussion - Page 114.
[Illusion] Artificial Academy - Gameplay Discussion (read first.
Page 3 of 7 - Artificial Academy ジンコウガクエン - posted in 3D Hentai Games Downloads:. doesn't look like your in Japanese mode, that's usually why you get strange characters instead of kana.. English UI Translation v1.28 by Raiko & Sogekihei Updated! Maker: AA_Make English Launcher 1.00A by TheShadow.
[Official] Artificial Academy HF-Patch by Inquisitor : Here. Character Editor Translated by Roni256 : Here; Character Editor Translated by icefire :. [English] [Full] interface translation by Pariah23 : Here; [Official][English][Full] Map .. The forth one is the game which is greyed out until you install maker (3rd).
artificial academy character maker english translation
[illusion] Artificial Academy - FAQ & Discussion - Page 171.[AA][1.0A][TheShadow][English] - Downloads - | Anime.
This is the discussion of Artificial Academy gameplay.. Was able to create a little harem, and try to make my character DA. But yeah, the IA is just crappy, no competition, even with the creation of "perfect" couples through AA Maker. .. it's the only thing I'm missing to see if the translation sounds awkward.

Jun 13, 2011. English You are not logged in Log in | Sign up. henarchive net Artificial Academy Characters Maker New Version Adjustment Patch Download.